About Inside The Rink

Inside The Rink LLC was founded in 2021 by a group of like-minded individuals who combined have covered hockey for 10-plus years. Through writing, podcasting, and YouTube channels, our group of experts is here to bring you insight, knowledge, and the fun of the game. The site ranges from serious topics to contract information to insights on gambling and hockey humor. There is no topic too big or too small for our team to cover.

Get in Touch

Interested in advertising opportunities, have a news story to share, or want to join the team? You can reach us at:

Our Model

A passionate and knowledgeable hockey writer writes every article you see on our website. These folks are a group of individuals who love the game as much as you do. That said, we take pride in that these individuals should earn fair compensation. We do this with your support! Through advertising and partnerships, each view and share of an article has a worth. Please keep that in mind. If you have a favorite author or contributor to the platform, be sure to share their work!

Our Commitment

We are committed to bringing you accurate and current news from around the league. We will do our best to validate information, corroborate rumors and gain knowledge from trusted sources. We do this out of respect for your time and our integrity. Please provide that same level of respect to our writers. Respectfully disagree all you want, but if you cross a line…we’ll blast you to the moon ourselves.

Ray Aniston

Ray Aniston has been writing and podcasting for several websites in recent years. This new venture is the first to have a site covering the entire NHL and not just a single team.