In an unexpected turn of events, the Anaheim Ducks’ social media team has dropped a bombshell announcement, revealing the surprising trade of Jamie Drysdale for Cutter Gauthier and a 2025 2nd-round pick from Anaheim.
Cutter Gauthier recently communicated his preference not to play in Philadelphia. Following this, Verbeek made the decision to acquire the 2022 NHL 5th overall pick in exchange for the team’s 2020 6th overall pick and a second-round draft pick.
For those curious, Jamie Drysdale stands out as a highly skilled offensive defenseman, with his exceptional speed and agility being his standout attributes. Recognized as one of the premier skaters in the league, he adeptly combines offensive prowess with strong defensive capabilities in his own end.
Cutter Gauthier emerges as a formidable winger, boasting a potent shot and NHL-level skating skills. Prognosticated to be a significant asset as a top-six winger, Gauthier exhibits prowess in both offensive and defensive zones, coupled with a notable physical presence.
Episode 111: Who's Better? – Late Arrivals: An Anaheim Ducks Podcast
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