When it comes to hockey, everyone knows who Connor McDavid and Connor Bedard are.
Well, it is time to introduce the hockey world to another Connor in hockey. He may only be two years old, but this Connor looks like he could end up being a heck of a hockey player!
His name is Connor MacMillan. However, if you have Instagram or TikTok, you know him as “lilconnormacdangles”.
Connor’s father, Cam, was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedules to talk about his son’s hockey obsession, his favorite team and players, how much he loves the game, and more.
PH: Growing up, were either of you really into hockey? If so, who was your favorite team (s) and player (s)?
CM: I started playing hockey when I was around five years old and continue to play recreationally. Although not as limber and quick as I used to be, I always look forward to the next time I get on the ice.
I have been an avid Detroit Red Wings fan for as long as I can remember, with Steve Yzerman always being my favorite player (and now favorite GM), and Pavel Datsyuk as a close second. However, all of Connor’s grandparents and his cousins cheer for someone different, which has exposed Connor to so many teams, and he is passionate about watching all of it.
If you ask him his favorite team, his answer changes daily, but his favorite players are always Connor McDavid or Connor Bedard with some bias there.
PH: What inspired you to name your son after Connor McDavid and Connor Bedard?
CM: It was the winter of 2022 and my wife was pregnant with Connor. Connor McDavid had already been lighting it up in the NHL during this time and there was all this hype about another Connor (Bedard) playing in the WHL, who was still too young to be drafted.
We were having a difficult time agreeing on a name for a boy. She mentioned Connor and added the fact it is a good hockey name, and we were sold.
PH: We know that every parent likes to take pictures and videos of their kids. Did you ever think that by doing so, your son would become a viral hockey sensation?
CM: Honestly, no. This has grown in many ways we could not have imagined.
During the week my wife often takes Connor to public skating with hopes of tiring him out. Seldom did it work, but while at the rinks he started to get loads of attention from other skaters, as people could not believe how fast he was progressing and learning to skate.
My wife posted a few videos of him skating on social media as a bit of a joke and they just blew up. It was amazing to read the positive comments from users as well as the inspiration Connor’s videos seemed to have on young kids learning to skate.
PH: Speaking of becoming a viral hockey sensation, which video of yours was it that put your son over the top?
CM: My father-in-law also has a love for hockey. He built Connor a “state of the art” mini-stick arena in their basement.
It is decorated with logos of our local OHL team, an array of NHL jerseys, and of course lights and music. In the video, Connor is wearing a Sidney Crosby jersey while practicing his “warm-ups” with the colored lights on along with some pump-up music.
He throws all the pucks out and runs around in circles taking shots at the net. We found it to be pretty funny, so we posted a clip of it.
Next thing we knew, it was getting thousands of views, and ESPN was sharing his video!
PH: For someone who is two years old, your son is an incredible skater. Who/what do you attribute that to?
CM: I would say he has been gifted with my athletic ability, but …
I would say it is his incredible dedication at such a young age. We took him on the ice and he just loved it.
We do not push him, but when he asks to go we always say yes, and often it is a fight to get him to come off the ice. He has this talent where he watches and can pick things up very quickly.
My father-in-law also runs a gym that is attached to an arena, so Connor is always running around with a hockey stick, rollerblades, or skates. He is fortunate that he can be completely immersed in it.
PH: I noticed in your videos that Connor has a mini-hockey arena in your house. Where did all of those jerseys come from?!
CM: Connor’s hockey jersey collection has taken off. As I said, he is just so passionate about hockey and is too young to focus on one team. He loves the logos and the mascots and has memorized all of them in the NHL.
His collection is made up of hand-me-downs of my wife and me from when we were kids, some great second-hand finds, and a few Christmas gifts! Connor already brings up that he is going to ask Santa for some of the teams he is missing next Christmas.
One day we hope to complete the collection and have one for every NHL team.
PH: Why do you think your son has fallen in love with hockey so quickly? Is this a love/passion that he is expressing to you folks every single day and night?!
CM: It is funny as we always joked that we hoped he would enjoy the game, but we did not push it on him. It started with a purchase of mini-sticks and a small net at our house, and I think he just loves to play because it is a game that we played together as a family.
I believe at a young age he quickly got used to hockey being on the TV all the time and would feed off my excitement while watching the games. It has grown to be something he wants to do and talk about day and night.
He wakes up and puts on his goalie equipment, wears a jersey every day, and sleeps with a hockey stick every night.
PH: I know that you folks live in Canada and that in Canada, hockey is everything. How has hockey brought your family closer together?
CM: We have a very close family, but Connor’s hockey has brought everyone even closer. Whether it is the cheering squad of Grandparents who come watch his skating lessons or his cousins who come out and skate with him and chase him around the ice.
Everyone loves to come watch him and get the biggest smile out of it.
PH: Is there anything else that you would like to share with us hockey fans?
CM: We would just like to express our gratitude to the hockey community for joining us in Connor’s hockey journey. It is truly incredible the power of social media, getting to speak with people who share the same passion around the world!
All over the United States, Europe and even Australia people have connected with us and it is so amazing!

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